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Welcome to EUSSET!
This is EUSSET
EUSSET strives to be the primary international community devoted to practice-centered computing, linking researchers worldwide. Based upon empirical, design-oriented and system development work in organizations and communities, practice-centered computing has provided concepts and innovative technologies that fit into practice and lead to more efficiency and a higher quality of labor and life by empowering the participants in these endeavors. We – as a community – base our work on and aim to foster inclusiveness, transparency and democracy on all levels.
Our Contribution
We have entered the Digital Decade. During the previous 10 years, digitalization accelerated and those developments animated debates in the scientific, political and business communities. Participating in the above debates and proposing research and innovation perspectives requires the participation of all the members of our community. This participation will help us strengthen our awareness and develop ideas, viewpoints, theories, systems and methods, creating new and important contributions to debates, providing a unique perspective in research and innovation.
EUSSET-IISI Lifetime Achievement Award: Call for Nominations
EUSSET-IISI Lifetime Achievement Award IT artifacts pervade almost all aspects of our daily lives, so much so that almost all our day-to-day practices involve interaction with them. A radical re-thinking of the computing field which recognizes the complex relationship between system and practice has been slowly gathering momentum over the
ECSCW Conference
- the situated nature of action and interaction and its implications;
- the role of ethnography in CSCW and in computing in general,
- the role and nature of ‘awareness’ in cooperative work;
- the role of paper-based and other material artifacts in cooperative work;
- highly flexible collaboration infrastructures and tailorable systems.
- ECSCW 2025: Newcastle
- ECSCW 2026: Munich
- ECSCW 2027: Limassol
Summer School
It’s a once in a lifetime experience: the EUSSET CSCW Summer School taking place each year. The outstanding environment, the leisure atmosphere, and the direct contact between students and experienced researchers make it a place to be for anyone interested in collaboration support or practice-centered computing.
Affillated Conferences
A bi-annual event that focuses on how infrastructures, practices and organization interact and interweave, in relation to contemporary challenges in healthcare.
Online Events
The EUSSET Colloquium, will be running on the second Wednesday of the month.
The EUSSET Get-together, will run on the last Friday of the month and is meant to be a space for informal exchanges.
Competence Network
Early Career Support

Digital Libray - Open Access
Summer School
EUSSET-IISI Lifetime Achievement Award
2024 – Ina Wagner
EUSSET-IISI Lifetime Achievement Award 2024 to Ina Wagner. Ina Wagner has made a rather exceptional transition from physics (she holds a PhD in nuclear physics) to anchoring her research in the area of CSCW (Computer Supported Cooperative Work) and PD (Participatory Design) with a focus on the study of work practices
2023 – Volkmar Pipek
EUSSET-IISI Lifetime Achievement Award 2023 to Volkmar Pipek. Volkmar Pipek studied Computer Science and Economics at the University of Kaiserslautern and got a PhD at the University of Oulu. Since 2007, he was faculty member in “Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Media” at the University of Siegen. He passed away in
2022 – Richard Harper
EUSSET-IISI Lifetime Achievement Award 2022 to Richard Harper. Originally trained as a sociologist but now a computer scientist, Richard Harper is concerned with how new technologies shape us and how we in turn shape our technologies – in the space that is often known as Human-Computer Interaction or HCI. CSCW
David B. Martin Best Paper Award
Inverted Hierarchies on the Shop Floor
The winner of the 2022 David B. Martin Best Paper Award is Frauke Mörike for her paper “Inverted Hierarchies on the Shop Floor: The Organisational Layer of Workarounds for Collaboration in the Metal Industry“. Abstract Workarounds, or practices that deviate from the official pathway to a target, are frequent phenomena in
(Re)Configuring Hybrid Meetings: Moving from User-Centered Design to Meeting-Centered Design
The winners of the 2021 David B. Martin Award are Banu Saatçi, Kaya Akyüz, Sean Rintel, and Clemens Nylandsted Klokmose for their paper “(Re)Configuring Hybrid Meetings: Moving from User-Centered Design to Meeting-Centered Design” (open access via Springer). Find an interview with the first author here. Abstract. Despite sophisticated technologies for
Time Matters: Flexi-time and women’s retention in the 24/7 workplace
The winner of the 2020 David B. Martin Award is Oindrila Matilal for her paper “Time Matters: Flexi-time and women’s retention in the 24/7 workplace” (access via >> EUSSET DL). Find an interview with the winner here. Abstract. Historically, the ability to exercise agency over the scheduling of working-time has shaped women’s retention in the
EUSSET in Perspective
Kari Kuuti: CSCW is facing a dilemma
EUSSET: Kari, you have been awarded the EUSSET-IISI Lifetime Achievement Award as announced during the ECSCW 2020. Congratulations! In this interview, we would like to learn more about your personal perspective on the award and on the CSCW research.The award was established to recognize outstanding contributions to the innovation and
Volker Wulf: The success is first of all epistemological
EUSSET: Volker, one of the milestones the history of the European tradition of CSCW was certainly the first, unofficial, ECSCW meeting in London in 1989, nearly 28 years ago. What happened since then?Volker Wulf: I think we have to understand that CSCW is a community which came out of the rather dramatic
Myriam Lewkowicz: We want to attract young researchers
Myriam Lewkowicz is Full Professor in Informatics at Troyes University of Technology (France), where she heads the teaching program “Management of Information Systems”, and the pluridisciplinary research team Tech-CICO (UMR CNRS 6281). Her interdisciplinary research involves defining digital technologies to support existing collective practices or to design new collective activities.