Call for contributions, INFRAHealth 2023 in Siegen, Germany

Dear colleagues,

we would like to focus your attention on the next international Conference that we will host this year in September in Siegen: INFRAHealth –

INFRAHealth will explore the latest trends, best practices, and cutting-edge research in Infrastructure for Healthcare.

This conference brings experts and professionals from various fields together to share their knowledge, insights, and experiences.

Authors are invited to submit their work to infraHEALTH 2023 addressing topics that include, but are not limited to:

  • Opportunities and challenges in the design and development of personal health data infrastructures
  • Good and bad practices in designing and using personal-health data infrastructures
  • Personal data flows in connected devices and context-related use of technologies
  • Digitalization of health service delivery, e.g., caring at home, robotics, AI, conversational agents, exergames, digital twins
  • Digital support for informal caregivers, for instance, for information, access to professionals or reaching out to peers or supporting associations
  • Digital support for ad hoc needed emergencies, for example, self-supporting elderly people living at home suddenly in need of health services
  • Digital support for addressing the COVID-19 pandemic, critical perspectives on novel pandemic-related data infrastructures
  • Digital infrastructures that are instantiated when needed but otherwise non-intrusive or in the background awaiting their need
  • Integration of healthcare and data sharing across organizational units, professions, etc.
  • Question of digitalization – the risks and implications of depriving individuals of offline choices
  • Digital solutions to issues of privacy and security
  • Support for self-management of health through digital infrastructures
  • Digital access to complex health-related information by non-expert citizens
  • Digital infrastructures for the visualization of healthcare data
  • Emotional and social intelligence in infrastructures and healthcare
  • Responsible use of AI-enabled decision-making in healthcare and welfare services

All submissions will be single-blind and reviewed by at least two reviewers.

Paper Submission Deadline: 21.04.2023

Poster / Demo Submission Deadline: 03.05.2023

Accepted papers will be published in the EUSSET Digital Library.

We look forward to welcoming you to an exciting conference in Siegen!

The organizing team of INFRAHealth 2023

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