The EUSSET Colloquium: A Way towards Intellectual Engagement

The EUSSET Colloquium is a forum where community members can engage in deep intellectual exchanges. It has been thought as a way to help our members to further develop among other things papers, proposals or research agenda ideas. So, if you have an early draft of a paper that you would like to discuss with the community, are having difficulties to implement improvements suggested by reviewers or looking for feedback on a research proposal idea, this is the place for you. Just get in touch with the Community Building chair through He is responsible for gathering discussion ideas and book a slot for them.

Each EUSSET Colloquium features two discussion ideas proposed by members of the community and each idea are dedicated a 40-min discussion time. Proponents of discussion topics are warmly recommended to submit a 5-min recorded video presentation together with any additional material that they would like to share with the community. Alternatively proponents can choose to submit a 2-slide presentation to introduce their topic (title and question slides excluded). The material should be submitted up to 3 days before the discussion date and will be used to kick start and foster the discussions. Meetings will happen over Zoom and people interested in participating are required to enrol to the event until 2 days before the event per e-mail, so to control for who will have access to the submitted material. The material will be shared 2 days before the colloquium with people registered for it. Confidentiality and conflicts of interest will be handled by the Community Building chair.

If you have any queries about this format, please contact the Community Building chair.


  • What: EUSSET Colloquium
  • When: Second Wednesday of the Month, 16:30 – 18:00 CET (CEST in summer Time)
  • Where: Zoom (link will only be shared with enrolled participants)
  • Submission of ideas: Continuous, per e-mail at (
  • Discussion material to be provided by discussants: 5-min video presentation (recommended) OR 2-slide presentation; drafts or any other supporting material (optional)
  • Submission of discussion material: 3 days before the colloquium (will only be shared with enrolled participants)
  • Enrolment: per e-mail at (
  • Deadline to enrol in a colloquium: 2 days before the colloquium

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