By becoming a member of EUSSET you contribute to making all the offerings of EUSSET happen (and get discounts on EUSSET events and first hand information – see membership benefits for more).

When you participate in EUSSET organized events like our annual conference ECSCW as non-member of EUSSET, you may earn an optional year membership with your registration (see the event registration descriptions for more information).

To register directly, you can select a membership from our shop. You register for membership on a yearly basis, and have to renew every year. Please log into your account to manage your membership.

Membership Options

Academic Membership: 50 EUR / year

Student Membership: 35 EUR / year

Membership Details

Signing up directly via our registration process:

Your membership will beginn directly after EUSSET received your payment – and will last for one year. After this date your membership will be automatically renewed unless you didn’t cancel it.

Signing up via conference participation:

When participating in EUSSET organized events as a non EUSSET member, you often can choose the option to get a free one-year membership without any additional costs. The membership then entitles you to the membership benefits.

The membership will begin directly when EUSSET received information about your signup from the conference organizer – and will end December 31th of the year following this date. After this date your membership will be suspended until you renew (see below).

Membership Renewal

When your membership expires you will receive an email listing renewal options.

For renewing your membership (if not done automatically) please purchase the membership right from our shop and log into your account to see more options for membership management.

Membership Maintenance

When you first become member of EUSSET you should have received an email from EUSSET membership services. Please log into your account to manage your membership.

If you are missing information about your membership or need to change something in your membership data, please contact EUSSET membership services at

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