EUSSET Colloquium on Ethnography-based and Creative Approaches to Design

A conversation with Mark Rouncefield and Bill Gaver

The next EUSSET Colloquium is approaching! It will be held on the 11th of May, from 16:00 to 17:00 CEST. 

In this colloquium we will focus on ethnography-based and creative approaches to design.

The colloquium will bring together Bill Gaver, Northumbria University, and Mark Rouncefield, University of Siegen, to discuss with the community their experiences in successfully transitioning from empirical research and creative activities into design ideas. More specifically, the discussion will focus on moving from empirical analysis to design (and back). It will address ways to successfully progress from user research to the development of design ideas, prototyping, and appropriation research, while exploring different manifestations.

Mark Rouncefield and Bill Gaver are both influential scholars in the field of practice-based design and accumulate decades of experience. 

Make sure to register by noon CEST on the 10th of May 2023 to be able to participate. You just need to send an e-mail to communitybuilding[at] communicating your interest!Looking forward to seeing many of you there

The EUSSET Colloquium is a forum where community members can engage in deep intellectual exchanges.

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