Welcome to the European Society for Socially Embedded Technologies (EUSSET) and thank you for showing an interest in becoming a member of our community! The following is meant to provide you a quick overview about the services that EUSSET offers for their members and how to get in touch with the EUSSET community.
What is EUSSET?
EUSSET strives to be the primary international community devoted to practice-centered computing, linking researchers worldwide. Based upon empirical, design-oriented and system development work in organizations and communities, practice-centered computing has provided concepts and innovative technologies that fit into practice and lead to more efficiency and a higher quality of labor and life by empowering the participants in these endeavors. We – as a community – base our work on and aim to foster inclusiveness, transparency and democracy on all levels. With our focus on practice-centered computing, we want to impact society by:
- exploring the social situations and practices in which digital technologies are embedded.
- developing new methods to engage people in the participatory construction of socially-embedded digital technologies.
- contributing to the design of future socially-embedded digital technologies.
If you are interested to learn more about EUSSET, its foundations and visions, please visit the EUSSET manifesto.
What are your benefits in joining EUSSET?
EUSSET offers a variety of services for their members, ranging from conferences and events to build knowledge and create impact with your research, initiatives that aim to connect you with other members of the community, services that aim to broaden your horizon, to diverse possibilities to actively engage with and contribute to the community. These services are detailed in the following.
EUSSET helps you building knowledge and creating impact
EUSSET organises but also supports a diverse set of events each year. EUSSET members have the benefit of getting discount for EUSSET organized and affiliated events where they can get in touch and engage with the community, on a European but also international level:
- EUSSET is the home-base for ECSCW, the European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work which is the international venue on practice-centred computing and the design of cooperation technologies. Originally designed as a bi-annual conference from 1989 onwards, ECSCW has turned into an annual conference since 2018. The conference is always held in different locations in Europe. If you got interested about ECSCW, please click here.
- C&T, the International Conference on Communities & Technologies, is affiliated to EUSSET. C&T is the premier international venue for research on the complex interconnections between communities and ICT’s. First kicked-off in 2003, C&T has been held bi-annually at venues around the globe. If you want to learn more about C&T click here.
- InfraHEALTH, the International Conference on Infrastructures in Healthcare, is affiliated to EUSSET. Initiated as a workshop series, InfraHEALTH has turned into a leading venue when it comes to infrastructures in healthcare that is now held as a bi-annual conference in different locations around Europe. In case you are interested to learn more about infraHEALTH, please click here.
For an overview about all current and previous affiliated conferences and friends of EUSSET, please click here.
EUSSET helps you connecting with others
EUSSET is dedicated to building and fostering a lively community that communicates, exchanges, and shares knowledge. You are invited to contribute to this exchange. For this, several services and means to engage with one another have been established:
- EUSSET has established the Competence Network (CN), which is an expert network that aims to contribute to the development of a human-centered perspective to the design and creation of socially-embedded technologies. Members of the EUSSET CN are available to support anyone who might have questions related to socially-embedded technologies. Among other things, they can provide expert opinions, deliver speeches and support both members and non-members of EUSSET with proposal or paper writing and mentoring. To engage with experts or to become an expert of the network yourself, please click here.
- EUSSET organizes a yearly summer school for young researchers (either PhD or Postdoc). The summer school aims to provide a space for young researchers to engage and discuss with senior researchers about the challenges of CSCW research today. Usually held at Lake Como in Italy, the summer school provides a wonderful environment for young researchers to meet other researchers at a similar stage of their academic career and to start building their own academic network. Details about the summer school can be found here.
- EUSSET is dedicated to early-career support. A diverse set of activities have been put in place to support our early-career members: we frequently distribute surveys on what early-career academics need from the community and we organize events (e.g., early-career lunches) at conferences so that people can meet and establish their own academic network.
- EUSSET is also on social media. You can follow EUSSET on Twitter and Facebook or actively engage online with the crowd. For Twitter, just use #EUSSET to bring something to the attention of the community and it will be RT on https://twitter.com/eusset. You can also join the public EUSSET Facebook group to engage with other members of the community. Finally, you can follow our activities on LinkedIn.
- EUSSET has a dedicated Community Hub. All EUSSET members are invited to meet, share their thoughts, organize circles, groups of interest, or facilitate events affiliated with EUSSET. It is a hub from the community for the community, so everyone is welcome to shape it and contribute to it. Come and join us here.
EUSSET helps you broadening your horizons
EUSSET runs its own Digital Library – https://dl.eusset.eu. With this, EUSSET is publicising the richness of what the community has produced and is producing, thereby providing visibility to research that focuses on practice-based research on socially-embedded technologies. The Digital Library is an open access repository, where you can read, download, copy, distribute, print, search and link to full text articles. These articles had been published as part of conferences that have been organized by or that are affiliated with EUSSET.
EUSSET offers a chance to actively engage
If you are interested to be more actively involved within the EUSSET community, there are a variety of options to do so:
- First, EUSSET is structured in a very participatory fashion. This means that all members are invited to come up with new, innovative ideas in how to move our community forward. The Steering Committee consists of a core team (chair, chair elect, and treasurer) that is elected by the EUSSET members for three consecutive years and officers that are appointed by the Steering Committee. You, as a EUSSET member, have the right to run for an office and to elect the chairs. For any inquiries, questions, or ideas related to EUSSET you can contact the Core Team via coreteam@eusset.eu and the entire Steering Committee via steeringcommittee@eusset.eu.
- Second, EUSSET members can become an expert in the aforementioned Competence Network. If you would like to share your knowledge and support other EUSSET but also non EUSSET members, please contact our CN chairs via competencenetwork@eusset.eu.
If you have not done so already, we would like to encourage you to join the EUSSET mailing list – https://www.eusset.eu/membership/mailing-list/ – which is open for announcements and information on diverse topics related to socially-embedded technologies.