EUSSET Services Series: Summer School 1

It’s a once in a lifetime experience: the EUSSET CSCW Summer School taking place each year just on the bank of the Lake Como or in the historical town of Bolzano in Northern Italy. The outstanding environment, the leisure atmosphere, and the direct contact between young and experienced researchers makeREAD MORE

Call for proposals to host ECSCW 2018, 2019, 2020

We wish to invite the community to prepare proposals to host ECSCW 2022, 2023 and 2024 at European locations. “ECSCW – The International conference on Practice-centred computing and the Design of cooperation technologies” is a series of conferences on computer-supported cooperative work located in Europe. It is an annual conference held in late May/early JuneREAD MORE

EUSSET Services Series: Digital Library 2

Over 1500 manuscripts, some as old as 1983, are listed and/or made available for free in the EUSSET Digital Library: While most of the publications come from the core EUSSET conferences (ECSCW, C&T) and affiliated European conferences on CSCW and HCI, the Digital Library offers access to manuscripts fromREAD MORE

EUSSET Services Series: Competence Network

Among the many community and member services, EUSSET offers a Competence Network featuring many experts in various areas related to practice-centred computing. If you have a question, a new idea, or an upcoming project and are looking for a sparing partner, a co-author, a mentor, a collaborator, or a consultant,READ MORE

EUSSET Services Series: Conferences

Today, we are starting a new series of posts concerning the services EUSSET offers to its members and to the broader scientific community. And we begin with something very core for building a thriving community: conferences. EUSSET’s flagship conference is the ECSCW. ECSCW is one of the oldest conference seriesREAD MORE

ECSCW 2021: Extended Deadlines for various formats

The deadlines for the submission for the 19th European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Works (ECSCW) have been extended. Please, consult the conference webpage for further information: The organizers are carefully observing the COVID-19 situation and will adapt the conference format to it. The conference will take place, be itREAD MORE


The new Steering Committee of EUSSET has started its work in September 2020. We thank members of the previous Steering Committee for their engagement and support. And we welcome all freshly appointed members of the Steering Committee and wish them good luck in their offices. Anyone interested in joining theREAD MORE

The winner of the 2020 David B. Martin Award is Oindrila Matilal for her paper “Time Matters: Flexi-time and women’s retention in the 24/7 workplace” (access via >> EUSSET DL).  Find an interview with the winner here. Abstract. Historically, the ability to exercise agency over the scheduling of working-time has shaped women’s retention in theREAD MORE

EUSSET: Kari, you have been awarded the EUSSET-IISI Lifetime Achievement Award as announced during the ECSCW 2020. Congratulations! In this interview, we would like to learn more about your personal perspective on the award and on the CSCW research.The award was established to recognize outstanding contributions to the innovation andREAD MORE