You could be forgiven for thinking that the CSCW Journal has turned into a monthly publication, as we can present the latest issue just a few weeks after the previous issue. This time it is however a Special Issue on a classic CSCW theme–control rooms. These spaces, where critical decisionsREAD MORE

Yes, a new issue of your favorite CSCW journal has arrived (Volume 32, Issue 3) – with no less than ten contributions exploring various aspects of practice-based computing. At the heart of our digital designs are the voices and interests of those we seek to serve. Two papers in particularREAD MORE

The shopfloor takes the main stage of the latest special issue of the Springer journal for CSCW (vol 34, issue 1).  The theme of the special issue is cooperation on the shopfloor. The papers revolve around  coordination and knowledge sharing. The editos take a somewhat critical stance towards the visionsREAD MORE

The latest edition of the CSCW journal just hit the shelves. For obvious reasons there is plenty to read for anyone interested in CSCW. The seven articles – a number of which will be presented at the ECSCW Conference in Trondheim – span different topics, though centering around classic CSCWREAD MORE

More than one research paper starts by reflecting upon the ever increasing speed of technological development. Yet, many challenges posed by technology have been with us for a long time. Thus, re-reading studies from the early days of CSCW research can be intriguing. What were the challenges four decades ago?READ MORE

EUSSET met virtually with Frauke Mörike to discuss the paper “Inverted Hierarchies on the Shop Floor: The Organisational Layer of Workarounds for Collaboration in the Metal Industry“, awarded the 2022 David B. Martin Best Paper Award during ECSCW 2022. EUSSET: Frauke, your paper “Inverted Hierarchies on the Shop Floor: TheREAD MORE

Summer can be a time for long reads, so here are a few suggestions from three members of the Steering Committee to keep you busy. If you want to share reading ideas – log on to the EUSSET social hub and add your reading suggestions to the community building space.READ MORE

The winner of the 2022 David B. Martin Best Paper Award is Frauke Mörike for her paper “Inverted Hierarchies on the Shop Floor: The Organisational Layer of Workarounds for Collaboration in the Metal Industry“. Abstract Workarounds, or practices that deviate from the official pathway to a target, are frequent phenomena inREAD MORE

EUSSET-IISI Lifetime Achievement Award 2022 to Richard Harper. Originally trained as a sociologist but now a computer scientist, Richard Harper is concerned with how new technologies shape us and how we in turn shape our technologies – in the space that is often known as Human-Computer Interaction or HCI. CSCWREAD MORE

On Wednesday 12th January 2022, I attended the EUSSET Colloquium on CSCW Theories and Concepts and found myself intrigued by, and involved in, a discussion on Gender as a CSCW Concept, led by Ina Wagner. Having read the recommended reading before attending I was excited to hear Ina’s thoughts onREAD MORE