“Infrastrastructure for Healthcare” (infraHEALTH) is a bi-annual event that focuses on how infrastructures, practices and organization interact and interweave. The aim is to explore how to design and implement technologies, change work practices and organizations or uncover outcomes of such changes in relation to contemporary challenges in healthcare.
infraHEALTH has been held at different universities in Copenhagen, Denmark (2007, 2009 and 2011), the Arctic University of Norway (Tromsø), Norway (2013), Fondazione Bruno Kessler and University of Trento, Italy (2015), Aarhus University, Denmark (2017), and TU Wien (Vienna University of Technology) (2019).
Conference papers are published in EUSSET Digital Library (since 2017), and furthermore infraHEALTH has resulted in a number of special issue papers: International Journal of Integrated Care (2007), Vol. 7, No. 16; Journal of Computer Supported Cooperative Work (2010), Vol. 19, No. 6; International Journal of Medical Informatics (2013), Vol. 82, No. 5; Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems (2014), Vol. 26, No. 2; Journal of Computer Supported Cooperative Work (2020), Vol. 29.