If you are having a hardship, you can apply for a free EUSSET membership for a year.

The application will be processed by the core team of the EUSSET Steering Committee (treasurer, chair, and chair elect) as well as the administration support. Please allow about two weeks for us to process your application.

We understand that this might be a sensitive issue and will treat all data with highest confidentiality. Only the four members of the EUSSET SC mentioned above will have access to the information provided in the form.

If you intend to apply for the paid membership, please follow to the registration form. It includes all information concerning payment and extension of your membership.

(if you are currently not affiliated with an institution, please state "no affiliation")
Data Privacy Statement of EUSSET: The personal data you enter will be collected, processed, and used by the European Society for Socially Embedded Technologies, EUSSET, and the Social Computing e. V., for processing this application. Upon acceptance of your application, information about your membership including your Name, Email, Institution, and Membership Status will be used for managing your membership. This includes: (a) providing you with regular updates about the formal activities of EUSSET via Email (elections, changes in the Steering Committee, general assembly, and further events), (b) reminding you about the status of your membership via Email, (c) confirming the status of your membership to the organizers of affiliated events whenever you declare your EUSSET membership in the registration process for an affiliated event, (d) sharing the status of your membership to the members of EUSSET Steering Committee to provide you with access to the EUSSET infrastructure (e.g., account in the EUSSET Community). Your data will be collected, processed and used based solely on the applicable data protection regulations valid in Germany at the time of your application.
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